Your Baby Registry Questions Answered

We researched the most common questions asked on Google by parents-to-be about baby registries. Creating a baby registry is no easy task, but we’ve got your back! Read on as we answer the top ten most popular questions about baby registries.

baby sleeping in white shirt with arms raised above head

What is a baby registry?

If you’re not sure what a baby shower registry is or how to set it up, you’re not alone! A baby registry is a complete list of supplies that are necessary or helpful for your little one’s arrival. The items range from small accessories to big ticket items. Most expecting parents begin registering for gifts after the first trimester of pregnancy, although you can feel free to begin at any time.

Where should I register for my baby?

We suggest creating a universal baby registry with BabyList or MyRegistry. You’ll be able to add items from all your favorite stores onto one registry list. You’ll also be able to gain access to their exclusive inspiration boards with essential gift ideas. Create your master gift list and get started here

What should I ask for on my baby registry?

It seems the list of baby things you need can be endless. For a simple guide, see our blog about the items you definitely need on your baby registry here. This list details what you need, so you can save your brain power for your daily tasks, future plans and birthing classes!

What kind of baby clothes should I register for?

OnesiesⓇ Brand Bodysuits: Our famous bodysuits keep baby’s tummy covered and warm acting as a great item for layering in the cooler months.

Sleep n’ Play Footies: These PJs are perfect for easy on/off playtime or bedtime outfit while keeping little toes cozy and warm with built-in feet. Most come in packs of two, or you can bundle and save by registering with four-packs

Side-Snap Shirts: These shirts are ideal to use with a newborn to help keep the umbilical cord area free from irritation and built-in mitten cuffs protect from scratching. Register for both short sleeve and long sleeve now.

CapsBooties/SocksMittens: Accessories are important to help newborns maintain their body heat in their heads, hands and feet. Keep a few on-hand in your diaper bag for stroller walks! 

Burp Cloths: You cannot have enough of these! You need plenty of Burp Cloths for feeding, burping, changing, traveling, going to daycare and cleaning up after messes. Always have one of these in arm’s length.

Receiving Blankets: Ideal for swaddling, covering up baby when going outdoors, as a play mat or as a nursing cover-up. We recommend registering for about 4-6 of these blankets. Pro Tip: Pack one of these in your hospital bag.

Crib Sheets: Ensure safety and comfort for your baby. Our crib sheets have elasticized corners to firmly keep the sheet in place. These are great to use while traveling. For extra protection, also register for a water-resistant crib pad to set under the sheet. Store 2-3 in your linen closet to switch out for laundry days.

How many Onesies® should I put on my registry?

You’ll soon learn how fast your little one grows, so make sure to register for Onesies® brand bodysuits in a variety of sizes! You'll need plenty in the 0-3M range as newborns can go through a few every day, but plan ahead for growth by registering for sizes up to 12M. Just remember to keep in mind the changing seasons and plan ahead for both short sleeve Onesies ® bodysuits and long sleeve styles as well.

What size clothing should I register for my newborn?

You will quickly learn that your baby grows fast—like, really fast. Your newborn may fit in the newborn size the first two weeks, and jump to 0-3 month sizes the next. We recommend registering for a variety of sizes to keep you covered throughout infancy.

Is it rude to put expensive items on baby registry?

Not at all! If anything, it’s expected to put those big-ticket items on your registry. If your friends and/or family want to go in on an essential gift together, they can! We do recommend making sure you have those essentials like a car seat and crib already purchased, so you’re not dependent on someone gifting it. For essential (and cute) gift bundles from us, shop here.

Should you put diapers on your registry?

You should absolutely register for less expensive essentials like diapers and wipes. A trend we’ve noticed is ask baby shower guests to bring a pack of diapers to the shower along with their gift. For those wanting to use cloth diapers, easily register for those with us!

How many items is normal on a baby registry?

According to Babylist, the average baby registry list has 121 items. But don’t feel like you need to get to a certain number. Register for items you need and add or remove items in the process.

Can I have a baby registry without a baby shower?

Absolutely! Baby shower alternatives can be just as fun and memorable as a traditional hurrah. Don’t believe us? Check out these seven baby shower alternative ideas that are sure to make any mama-to-be feel loved and supported.

Mother and child laying on floor together, smiling for camera

Hopefully, you feel more confident about starting your baby registry today! For more on what to register for, check out this blog here. Shop New Arrivals