Traveling With a Sleeping Baby: 8 Tips for Peaceful Plane Trips

Traveling is never simple, especially with a precious little one! If you’re flying with a baby or toddler, peaceful plane trips are in your future with these tips. Discover our tips for traveling with a baby, including ways to encourage sleep. Soft and comfy Gerber® Childrenswear baby clothing can make a big difference in how well your child rests.

Tip 1: Plan the Flight Time Strategically 

It’s always easier to travel when a nap is in your baby’s future. Pick a departure time that aligns with your usual nap schedule. If you can get your little one to rest, it’ll be that much easier to grab your bags and start your trip. 

Tip 2: Select the Right Seats 

Airlines have a range of policies about seat selection, so plan ahead! Some carriers require you to pick your seats ahead of time, while others want an additional fee for seats in the same row. The other consideration is how to help baby sleep when traveling. If your child is small enough, they can rest in your lap. Depending on the airline, you can even bring a car seat on board for a peaceful and secure nap.

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Tip 3: Pack Essential Comfort Items 

When it comes to baby sleep and travel, comfort items go a long way. If your little one has a favorite lovie or pacifier, bring it in your carry-on bag. Receiving blankets are multi-purpose and won’t take up too much room in a backpack. 

baby in crib

If your baby prefers a quilt or plush blanket, you have plenty of options from Gerber® Childrenswear. Easy-fold blankets and big cozy quilts are totally customizable. You can even embroider your child’s name or initials on their blanket to keep track of it while traveling.

Tip 4: Dress Your Baby for Comfort and Ease 

Travel clothes should be cute and functional! Our Onesies® Brand bodysuits are always a favorite. You’ll find convenient snaps at the bodysuit’s diaper area. Add a matching pair of shorts or jogger pants. Gerber® Childrenswear’s matching outfits and sets are simple for dressing and diaper changes. Toddlers and older babies look amazing in these sets while they travel. 

baby dinosaur onesie

You’ll love our baby dresses and baby sleepwear. Our cozy Sleep ’N Plays and our take me home sets are perfect for newborns and little ones. Adorable prints and matching colors keep the outfit peaceful and put together. Pack an extra outfit just in case of an accident or mess. It may also be nice for your baby to change when you arrive at your destination. 

Tip 5: Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment 

Make your baby’s airplane seat as close as possible to their usual sleep environment. Offer them the same essential comfort items they use when they rest at home. For example, bring along their car seat if they like to nap in the car. 

baby wearing sleeping gown

Turn the lights down in your aisle. Hold your child’s hand or keep one of your arms on the baby seat. They’ll feel more comfortable knowing you’re right there beside them. Add a blanket or quilt if it’s chilly inside the cabin. 

Additionally, consider using noise-canceling headphones for your baby during the flight. The ambient noise inside an airplane can be quite loud and unsettling, especially for a young child. 

Tip 6: Plan for Feeding and Hydration 

You’ll probably need to feed your baby while you’re at the airport, so bring extra supplies in case of a delay. A large diaper bag or backpack is the perfect carry-on because it can help you fit feeding items and other essentials for the baby. Don’t forget enough water for yourself and your little one! 

sleepy baby

Hydration is important while traveling. You can purchase water bottles in the airport terminal after you get through security. Don’t be shy about asking your flight attendant for water for the baby.

Tip 7: Engage Your Baby in Calming Activities 

Plane rides are stimulating, so consider keeping your baby in a sling or carrier while you’re walking through the airport. The extra quiet time can make a big difference. Rub your baby’s back or stroke their tummy. 

A pacifier or travel toy can provide a soothing distraction. Many rattles and soft books come with a handy attached keychain. Look for parent-friendly quiet areas and nursing rooms in the terminal. A dim, peaceful space can help you and your baby reset for the next leg of your journey. 

Tip 8: Expect the Unexpected 

Planning ahead will keep you cool and serene no matter what happens. Sometimes, a flight is delayed or babies decide they’re too excited to nap. Our tips for flying with a baby will help you remember the clothes and comfort items you need so you can pivot in a pinch!

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